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Teeth Whitening

Our revolutionary teeth whitening system combines the latest technology of blue light with our specially formulated whitening gel to give you the smile of your dreams in no time.

Our Teeth whitening technician is certified and trained by dental professionals and has whitened over 1200 clients since February 2020.

Experience a teeth whitening process like never before, as SPI ensures 0 to minimal sensitivity, making it a comfortable and pain-free way to achieve a brighter smile. No more worries about discomfort during or after the treatment – just stunning results without the hassle. You can choose a full 1-hour session or a mini 30-minute session.

At SPI we are always keeping up to date with the highest level of training, products and machines.  Each client is provided a one-time-use silicone cheek retractor based on each individual's mouth size to make their teeth whitening experience as comfortable as possible.

With SPI teeth whitening sessions you won't have to wait weeks to see results. Witness a dramatic transformation as your teeth become 5 to 15 shades whiter instantly. Say goodbye to dull, stained teeth and hello to a brilliant, confident smile that will turn heads.

Our powerful formula doesn't just mask stains; it effectively removes all surface stains, leaving you with teeth that not only look amazing but are genuinely healthier and cleaner.

Experience the magic of SPI and unleash the full potential of your smile. Get ready to make a lasting impression with your brighter, more radiant smile. Transform your teeth effortlessly and instantly.


Teeth whitening may not be suitable for everyone, and it's essential to consider individual factors before undergoing any whitening treatment. Some situations where teeth whitening might not be recommended include:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding: It's generally advised to avoid teeth whitening during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, as the effects on the baby are not well-studied.

  2. Allergies or Sensitivity: Individuals with a history of allergies to whitening agents or those with severe tooth sensitivity may need to avoid teeth whitening procedures.

  3. Tooth and Gum Health: People with cavities, gum disease, exposed roots, or worn enamel may not be suitable candidates for teeth whitening, as it can exacerbate existing issues.

  4. Dental Restorations: Teeth whitening may not work on dental restorations like crowns, veneers, or fillings, leading to uneven coloration.

  5. Age and Tooth Development: Teeth whitening is generally not recommended for children under 16, as their teeth are still developing.

  6. The teeth whitening session will not change the colour of your natural enamel and only removes surface stains, once stains are removed the teeth will appear brighter. Each individual results may vary based on the colour of your enamel.

Before considering any teeth whitening treatment, it's crucial to consult with a dentist. They can evaluate your oral health, discuss any potential risks, and recommend the most appropriate whitening solution tailored to your needs. Your dentist will help ensure that your teeth whitening experience is safe and effective, giving you the best chance to achieve a brighter and healthier smile. Please contact us for a free consultation.

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At SPI Beauty Clinic, we offer a broad range of services to help you achieve your beauty goals. Whether you need a facial, waxing, or makeup services, our team of experts is here to help. Book an appointment with us today to start your beauty journey.

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